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But, this is perfect for you...

Can I Really Stop Yelling in Just A Week?

It's possible with the right tools.

The proven tips and advice in this challenge come from Amanda Rueter, M.Ed., Mental Health Counselor and Mom of two boys who was surprised that in spite of her education, she found herself yelling at her kids.  

After one big, scary, rage-filled moment she knew she had to change, so she built a plan to stop the yelling. That plan worked so well that she now teaches parents all over the world how to tame their temper using her background in counseling and experience as a Mom.

This 5 Day Email Challenge will give you a jumpstart on your journey to tame your temper. In just 5 days, you WILL notice a change in how often you yell at your kids.

Bite-Sized Lessons Sent Straight To Your Email

  • Click the Button Below to Sign up
  • Enter in your email address
  • A new lesson will be sent to you for the next 5 days

It's Just That Simple